The Traveling Salesman

There once was a traveling salesman, who sold leather pants, and who's car broke down in the Ozarks. The traveling salesman needed to find a place to stay for the night, and saw a barn in the distance.
After walking for a while, he reached the barn, where he met the farmer, who owned the barn. The traveling salesman explained that his car broke down, and asked if he could stay the night. He said that the only payment he could offer was the leather pants he was selling. The farmer agreed, on one condition. He said "You can spend the night in my barn, but do me a favor, don't stick your willy into any of the three holes in the wall". The salesman agreed.
The salesman tried to keep away from the holes, but soon the temptation got the best of him, and he couldn't help himself. He stuck his willy in the first hole, and it felt good. He stuck his willy in the second hole, and it felt even better. He stuck his willy in the third hole, and it hurts like hell and it won't let go.
In the morning, the farmer checks in on the salesman, and sees what happened to him. He explains to the salesman, "Behind the first hole was my wife, behind the second hole was my daughter, and behind the third hole was a milking machine that don't let go until it gets 50 gallons!"
The farmer then turned to the camera and said, "And YOU"RE NEXT!!!"
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